Alternative to Flame Cremation with Aquamation Services in New Hanover County, NC

Tranquility Cremation By Aquamation has been caring for families and their loved ones in New Hanover County, NC for many years offering quality aquamation. We want to deliver the best reminiscence experience for our clients' family members. We do this with unique memories that celebrate their lives and times spent together, as well as providing emotional support along the way. Call us at (910) 769-1615.

Aquamation Service New Hanover County, NC

Did you know that it is possible to reduce the soft and fluid tissues of the body without a single wisp of smoke? Cremation with aquamation services in New Hanover County, NC, is a water-based process that is also called alkaline hydrolysis. It is fascinating that a water solution alkalized with potassium hydroxide and sodium can break down the deceased human form.

The movement of the water in a secure stainless-steel chamber, coupled with optimal water temperature (hot but not boiling), and the alkali components all work together to create an environment that dissolves these tissues in a matter of hours. This visually leaves only some skeletal remains and a water solution. The bone remains are dried and ground into granular sand-like powder. Even though there are no flames in the process, we still often call this finished substance the “ashes.”

This differs from traditional flame-induced cremation in several ways. At a crematory where the body will undergo incineration, the body is prepared and placed in a container that will be fully burned with the body. The remains could be dressed before the cremation or not. The intense heat applied to the secured cremation chamber can range from 1200-1800 degrees Fahrenheit. Within just moments after this heat is applied, the contents in the retort will combust and burn until they are spent, usually about two hours or less.

Once the chamber is cool, the only remaining visible elements are bone fragments and portions of the skeleton that did not thoroughly burn. All of the soft tissues and fluids will now have been reduced to invisible elements. These remaining pieces of bone are collected and processed for a uniform texture and returned to the family as ashen remains.

Some Reasons People are Opting into Aquamation Services in New Hanover County, NC

When it comes to choosing a cremation by way of the aquamation procedure, there are several compelling benefits to taking this gentler route. Here are a few our clients consistently tell us they value.

The Environmental Footprint of Death Care is Troubling: When you stop and think about it, the impact of our death care practices on the environment leaves something to be desired. Burial vaults and grave liners are often made from materials that are difficult to break down. Caskets are often constructed with synthetic materials that are not easily absorbed by the earth. Add to this the toxic load of chemicals that are used in preparatory procedures such as embalming and preparing the deceased for a public presentation.

Unfortunately, cremation by flame also has some drawbacks to the ecological picture. Carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses emitted as byproducts of the incineration procedure are not altogether harmless. Lastly, the upkeep and sustainability of existing burial grounds present difficulty and land use for this purpose is not unlimited, especially in densely populated areas.

The Pricing for Cremation via Aquamation is Reasonable and Fair: Cremation generally tends to cost substantially less than full funeral services with casketed burials. This primarily comes down to the number of services and the required hours for those services to be designed and delivered. Aquamation is competitively priced with the more common flame cremation counterparts. Keeping this innovative, earth-friendly death care option affordable is a big priority for the professionals at Tranquility Cremation By Aquamation.

Pristine Color and a More Complete Set of Cremated Remains: Cremated remains that have been incinerated are colored and darkened through the burning process. This is because some of the hard bone material is eliminated by the harsh conditions of the flames. However, with aquamation services in New Hanover County, NC, the bone matter that is left remains its brilliant white color. Add to this, the substance matter returned to families is estimated to be up to 20% more than a person of similar size who was cremated by incineration.

A Kinder, Gentler Return to the Earth: The death of a loved one is especially difficult to face if you are uneasy with the thought of burial or flame cremation. Aquamation allows for an option that accelerates the natural decomposition process. As the body breaks down over time, the soft tissues liquefy, and the hard bone minerals deteriorate much more slowly. This disposition option mimics this gentle and natural process and still allows you to keep a part of your loved one nearby in the form of cremated remains.

Aquamation Service FAQs

1. What are places for permanent memorialization?

2. What should you do when a death of a loved one occurs at home?

  • Call 911 if the individual dies unexpectedly at home without hospice care. If one exists, have a do-not-resuscitate order on hand. In the absence of one, paramedics will typically initiate emergency procedures and, unless allowed to declare death, will transport the individual to an emergency department for a doctor to make the pronouncement. Learn more about when death occurs.

3. What to wear to a funeral?

  • The proper clothes for a funeral or memorial ceremony are straightforward: dress to show respect for the person whose life you are commemorating. Dresses, suits, slacks, coats, and sweaters in darker colors are suitable. Flip-flops, tank tops, shorts, sundresses, casual tennis shoes, and cleavage are not acceptable attire. Learn more about funeral etiquette.

Call to Learn More or Schedule Service Today

If you are interested in learning more about this cremation by water instead of flames, please call us at Tranquility Cremation By Aquamation. Our caring experts are ready to answer your questions and help you more fully understand our aquamation services in New Hanover County, NC. If you are ready to schedule services for immediate or future needs, please call (910) 769-1615. We are conveniently located at 2209 Delaney Ave, Wilmington, NC 28403.